The national lockdown did not hold the Holy Childhood sisters of Eshowe to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Sister Fidelis Schramm.
Sr. Fidelis was supposed to celebrate her Diamond Jubilee in the Motherhouse in Germany at the beginning of this month, as part of a long-planned trip to the country she was born in. Unfortunately this could not happen because air traveling is prohibited due to the Covid 19 pandemic. However, the sisters in Eshowe still made a special day for their fellow sister. Fr. Victor Chavunga OSB celebrated Holy Mass for her and the sisters shared a lovely meal together. Sr. Fidelis was happy to be in the presence of her community during this difficult time. “A sincere thank you for your prayers and good wishes”, she said.
Sr. Fidelis’ journey began 72 years ago in Germany when she heard God calling her to Religious Life. She already started visiting the Motherhouse at the age of fourteen. After her fifteenth birthday she entered the convent. She went through the stages of formation and was exposed to a variety of ministries within those years. Sister was also given an opportunity to further her education. From the beginning Sr. Fidelis knew that she wanted to be a missionary. As the years went by she was often asking herself: “Have the sisters forgotten my call to the Mission?” A few months after her final vows her wish of going to the mission became a reality. She left Germany in August 1963 and arrived in Eshowe in September. The following year she began working at the Holy Childhood Convent School in Eshowe. There, she found her true calling. She continues to teach Religious Education in various grades to this day.
The sisters are grateful for the life and service of Sr. Fidelis and pray for her health that she may continue doing good in teaching the Catholic faith. We are looking forward to a big celebration – when lockdown and the threat of the corona pandemic lie behind us.
Text: Sr. Maria Machi
Photos: Sr. Felicity Gcwensa