Holy Childhood Convent School (HCS) is a primary school in Eshowe, right in the heart of the Zululand. The school is built on the premises of our Eshowe convent, next to St. Benedict’s cathedral. It was founded in 1954, when two of our German sisters started educating 20 children in two classes. More than 60 years later, HCS has developed into a full primary school with more than 280 students. We cover preschool-level (Grade 00 and Grade R) as well as primary level (Grade 1 to 7). In 2019 Holy Childhood School was fortunate enough to be gifted the first remedial centre in Eshowe – The Marc Gehren Learning Centre. We are currently able to assist selected Grade 1 to 3 pupils with necessary Remedial Education, Occupational and Speech Therapy.
Multiracial learners
One of the most important milestones was opening the school to children of all races in 1977. Amid the Apartheid regime, this was a courageous step by the Sisters. The school was alienated from sports fixtures and exposed to intense scrutiny from the Department of Education. At the same time, their stand enabled the Sisters to meet the demands of the Gospel. To date, the school welcomes multiracial learners from all parts of South African society.
Quality education
We are a member of ISASA, the Independent Schools Association of South Africa. ISASA is a non-profit organisation that provides its members with services to protect their interests, promote best practice and support quality education. As an independent and non-governmental school, we are also certified by the Independent Quality Assurance Agency (IQAA). This agency constantly evaluates schools all over South Africa to ensure quality standards.
Today, the school is run by a Governing Body. Our sisters are still widely present within and around the school, as teachers or in administrative roles. The values of Holy Childhood Convent School are continuously based on the spirit of the Roman-Catholic church.