A Christmas story: Preschoolers donate with love

Giving back to less fortunate children: Following the idea of a six-year-old learner at Holy Childhood School, the Grade R class of 2021 collected toys and other items from their homes to give to St. Joseph CYCC children as a sign of their love and care.

A few weeks ago, a six year old girl who is schooling at HCS pre-primary missed school to accompany her mother to St. Joseph CYCC, presenting a huge donation from SASTA to the children’s home.

On the following day, the girl returned to school with the images of happy St. Joseph children still on her mind. “Sr. Maria, can I share with the class why we were at the children’s home yesterday?”, she asked. The little girl explained to her classmates why donations are a sign of love and care to less fortunate children. After listening to their fellow, the Grade R learners asked if they could also do something special for the children at St. Joseph CYCC – and everyone agreed to follow the little girl’s example. A letter was sent by the teachers to the Grade R parents about this initiative. For the rest of the last term the children brought toys, books and clothes for the children’s home. The donation was put together and sent to Mbongolwane on school breakup day.

St. Joseph CYCC feels truly blessed. Staff and children are very thankful to the little ones for their kindness and the generous donation.

Text & Photos: Sr. Maria Machi

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