Renewal of Profession

Again this year the two temporary professed Sisters of the Holy Childhood of Jesus renewed their “Yes”. Sr. Maria and Sr. Yolanda commited to God to live their lives in celibate Chastity, Poverty and Obedience.

A year later after Sr. Maria and Sr. Yolanda renewed their temporary profession for the first time they again this year asked to renew their vows- their application was accepted. Before the day of renewal they had a recollection day guided by Fr. Malusi Ncanana. He gave the sisters a talk about the three vows and gave them time for personal prayer, reflection and examination of conscience. This was a fruitful day. The ceremony took place the following day in the Chapel in Mbongolwane convent. The sisters from Mbongolwane and Eshowe were present in the Eucharistic celebration. Fr. Masondo was the main celebrant and Fr. Ncanana concelebrated. In the homily Fr. Ncanana addressed the two sisters in the words of Pope John Paul II “To most people you are known for what you do… Your true greatness, though, comes from what you are.”

After the homily Sr. Maria and Sr. Yolanda were called to the sanctuary and they said their vows individually – Sr. Assumpta received them as delegated by the General Superior, Sr. Katharina Ganz. The celebration continued after Holy Mass. The sisters had lunch together with the priests and enjoyed the rest of the day together in each other’s company.

Text by: Sr. Maria Machi

Sr. Maria (left) and Sr. Yolanda (right) with their Regional Superior Sr. Assumpta (middle)

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