A vowed life journey

Sr. Mary Fortunata recently made her first profession as a Holy Childhood Sister. On her free will she vowed Poverty, Obedience and Celibate chastity to the Almighty God.Sr. Fortunata requested permission to make her temporary profession after having discerned for two years in the novitiate about this life. The Generalate and Regional leadership granted her application. Thereafter she began her preparation with meditation and prayer and chose readings and hymns for her special day. On the week before her profession she had a retreat in the novitiate house which was conducted by Fr. Victor OSB.

“A woman of prayer”

Finally the big day arrived. The celebration took place at St. Benedict’s Cathedral of Eshowe. The sanctuary was beautifully decorated with flowers by Sr. Birgit. Mass was led by Bishop Thaddeus Khumalo. He directed his homily totally on Sr. Fortunata. “As a religious person, you need to be a woman of prayer, know where you are coming from and where you are going”, he said. Due to Covid 19 restrictions only a limited number of guests could join, but it was a joyful celebration regardless. Unfortunately Sr. Fortunata’s family and parish priest from Joburg couldn’t make it because they were not granted permits to travel. However her Godfather and his daughter who are not far from her hometown managed to come, show support and witness the profession of our dear sister.

A new sister

After the homily. Sr. Fortunata knelt in front of Sr. Assumpta who was delegated by the General Superior, Sr. Katharina to receive the vows of Sr. Fortunata. She vowed to live a life of Poverty, Obedience and Celibate chastity. She then signed her vows on the altar as evidence of her profession. Afterwards she received the congregation’s medal and Our Way of Life book.

After Holy Mass everyone shared a well prepared lunch at St. Claire’s dinning hall. All the sisters were happy to welcome another sister into the community. “I am thankful for all the support, prayers and all that you did to make this day very special for me”, Sr. Fortunata said.

Text & Photos by: Sr. Maria Machi

Sr. Fortunata (l.) with Sr. Gregoria

Sr. Fortunata (l.) with Sr. Assumpta, Regional Superior of the Holy Childhood Sisters in South Africa

Sr. Fortunata (middle) with Sr. Sindi (l.) and Sr. Maria (r.)


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